Golf is a sport that takes concentration, a skilled eye, focus and lots of practice throughout life. In return, golf offers you a sense of inner peace, quietness, exercise and time to reflect on the big and small things in life.
Unless you play to compete, the golf course is a beautiful and relaxing place without any stress.
But maybe you have gotten tired of the club’s 18 holes and need to try something new. Why not combine it with a getaway to one of the many places in Europe that, besides great tees offer sun and holiday.
You could go to the home of golf, Scotland, where you can visit the Muir course by Edinburgh or the legendary St. Andrews.
If you want to mix golf with summer, sun and heat, you can go the Algarve coast in Portugal with a rich and varied selection of courses. Of course, you also have opportunities in Spanish cities like Malaga, Alicante or Mallorca with their fivestared golf courses.